Welcome to TeamHealth Concur Resources

TeamHealth has partnered with Concur Technology and World Travel to bring you an integrated travel and expense process for all TeamHealth employees who file, prepare, and/or approve expense reports for business and continuing medical education travel.

Highlights include:

  • Electronic approval process
  • Use of SmartPhone technology
  • One process, one website

Getting Started

What is my Concur User Name?

Concur Login (using Concur credentials)

Concur Login (using Okta/TH credentials)

TeamHealth has created different roles within the Concur System. To help you determine where to get started, the role descriptions below will help you determine which role(s) apply to you and which training classes to sign up for.

 if you:

  • Are an employee of TeamHealth (not an independent contractor)
  • Have reimbursable expenses
  • Travel on TeamHealth business
  • Approve expense reports
  • Prepare expense reports
  • Arrange travel for employees and guests of TeamHealth

“Delegate” if you:

  • Have been given authority to enter expenses on an employee’s behalf
  • Arrange travel on an employee’s behalf

“Expense Approver” if you:

  • Approve employee expenses
  • TeamHealth leader with direct or in-direct employees

“CME Travel & Expense” if you:

  • Are a TeamHealth employee and submit CME travel and expenses
  • Validate CME balances related travel and expenses